понедељак, 20. фебруар 2012.

From dusk till dawn

I've spent the last weekend in Bata. The purpose of going was the football tournament - they were hosts for the first time. The company allowed the building of the football court in their residential area, so they decided to organize the tournament and host all the camps. It was great, as far as I'm concerned, as we've won the trophy without conceding a goal. Afterwards, we've enjoyed the delicious food and a few beers.

The feast was over around 22:30 and the night had just started...

I took a shower and then we went to a friend's flat, drank more beer and called a ride at around 00:30. That was quite late beginning of a night-out, even for Serbian standards, but it's not the case here. 

The first stop was, Mamayta, a bar/club. It's got two parts - outdoor and indoor area. The music is not so loud outside, so you can communicate normally, and you can breathe, even though the humidity and the temperature is high, despite the fact that it's well over midnight. We went inside and it was like in the Tarantino's movies - abnormal temperature, smoky atmosphere, loud music. Whole club was filled with people dancing, rubbing their bodies on one another moving in the rhythm of the music. The atmosphere was on the verge of erupting any second. One guy was dancing facing the mirror that covers the whole wall and he was constantly smiling like crazy. People were switching their dance partners constantly, everybody was dancing with everybody. The dance moves varied from "shaking your ass like a pro" to "a middle aged white guy who's stiff as a board". I believe that one can't depict a place like that so it correlate with the things seen (or at least I can't, since I'm not so good with words), but you can just try to imagine the above mentioned movie, locate it in the heart of Africa, add more money and more poverty to the equation (what a paradox) and you're on the right track.

The was mainly mainstream - I haven't recognized a single song, but they were in English and Spanish and resembled the MTV type of songs so I assume that most of them are popular songs in Europe's clubs as well.
In this club, the ratio of Africans vs People from other continents (mostly Lebanese and Serbians, with few Cubans and Spaniards) was 60-40, African guys vs African girls 20-80 and Guys vs Girls from other continents 98-2.

We were standing in one corner, close to the bar, facing our back to one of the booths. My friends told me that I should "beware" of the girls, cos they have the "instinct" of recognizing the new guys in town. Some 45 minutes after we've arrived the power aggregate went out, so we found ourselves in pitch dark. Right there and then, a girl grabbed my ass, twice - she was sitting in the booth behind us, giggling with her friends and shouting something. They've told me that they know her as she's been with some guys from the company in the past. I was, once again,  surprised with their direct approach and the lack of shame.
We went outside to finish our beer and have witnessed another strange thing. The power was back on but we decided not to come in again so just stood and talked in front of the entrance. Then a commotion started. The girl that grabbed my ass and her friends were yelling and trying to get back inside but the bouncers wouldn't let them in. (My friend told me that the Africans pay entrance fee of around 8 euros, cos most girls go to a places like this to get guys and "earn some easy money", they don't order anything so the club wants to profit on them somehow. Nobody charged us for entering since they know we would drink that amount several times. You can also take a girl in without her paying for the same reason - they know that you're gonna buy her drinks the whole night). The girls then started beating the bouncers, forcing they way in on several occasions, but the guys were stronger so they gave up and sat there, took of their high-heels and waited for Godknowswhat. It was very strange to see chicks in mini skirts, top shirts and high heels fighting. Even if we wanted, we couldn't interfere as we, as a strangers, can't get in a conflict with the locals as law is firmly not on our side. These girls were, too, expatriates, coming here from the surrounding countries Gabon and Cameroon.

We've decided that it was time to change our location before something worse happens so went to a discotheque. It's interior was similar to European ones, but with a lot of African wooden masks and cool drawings on the walls. It's a pretty large one and was half empty when we arrived. As it was 2am I assumed that the closing hour was approaching and that it was the reason for not so many people inside. But I was mistaken once more. As the time went by, it was getting fuller and fuller. The music was the same as in the previous club and the people were, too - they've just changed the scenery. At one point, a song started and the mass around me erupted - they've formed the circle and, one after another, started going in the middle of it and showed their best moves. It was F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C. That lasted for at least 15 minutes, than a DJ switched to another type of music. It was definitely the highlight of the evening. The ratio of Girls vs Guys was well on the side of the guys when we arrived, but it leveled throughout the night. And the girls were tireless - they were "attacking" us, shaking their booties and dancing provocatively. Four girls have asked me for my phone number - the situation here is completely different from the one in the rest of the places I've been before. Even though it was flattering in a way, although I know that they only wanted my money (it sounds so harsh), the health must be always in the first place as there's a high risk of various sexually transmitted diseases. We've stayed there until 6am - I haven't stayed that late since coming here and it was time to wrap it up for the night.

Slept for three hours, then went for a walk with some friends, afterwards to the beach and around 3pm headed back to the camp.

Weekend succeeded ;)

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