понедељак, 9. јануар 2012.

Just a few thoughts

Nothing special happened these days. We've celebrated New Years Eve and Christmas. Drink some - rest some... For the whole month of January, I'm working alone in the office, since my co-worker's on vacation as well as the director of the camp. A lot of work, but I don't wanna bore anyone with this.

I just wanted to say that the locals are extremely hard to communicate with. You can only talk with them about the work, to be exact - they only wanna complain to you. I've tried to talk about their life, their customs (since I'm very interested in learning a bit more about their way of life), but they just don't wanna open up a bit. In a way, I completely understand them, cos they probably see us as a bad guys who only wanna exploit them and force them to work. The truth is that they do work for the salaries, and a pretty good ones (compared to Serbian standards).

I'm still gonna try to talk with all people, in hope of learning something new about their fascinating culture.

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