понедељак, 26. децембар 2011.

I am only retelling what I've heard...

I haven't experienced any of the things that I am going to write about in this post, I don't wanna judge anyone and it doesn't apply to everyone. It's just new to me so I had to share it.

This post is going to be about male-female relationships around the camp.

As I previously said, there are about 200 ppl living in the camp and some 450 locals working here. Out of that 200 living on the camp, there is only one female (wife of one worker). As we are living in the middle of the jungle, far away from the "normal" things we used to have or do, and everybody's got more money then needed here, people tend to spend it on booze and girls. Here, you don't have a "normal" relationship between a man and a woman - some guys have girlfriends (even a long-term ones) but they have to give them "allowance" of 150-300e a month. Our camp is more liberal than other, so girls can stay in her boyfriend's house even during the day, when we're all working.

You can also pick up girls in any bar and pay for a "one-night stand" (that's around 30e).

These thing are not so strange, there's gold-diggers and prostitutes everywhere in the world. 

The strange thing is that guys here spend enormous amount of money on getting laid. Some have their regulars, other change 2-3 girls every day. Take into consideration that most of the guys here are in their 40's and 50's, and that they have their wife and kids that depend on their salary. One guy is spending all his salary here on girls and lie back home that he's spending the money on malaria medicaments. Other guy had a girlfriend (she was barely legal) and she stole his room-mate's laptop and camera. He met her two nights before, felt sorry for her and let her stay in their house for a few days, as she didn't have anywhere else to go. They found the girl, she returned some stuff, he paid his room-mate for the rest and got fired. The night after the robbery happened, he went out looking to hookup with another girl... Most recent story is that a guy promised a girl that he's gonna build her a bar. He didn't give her the money for that and she sued him asking for 2000e (she settled for around 1000e). It is normal that the girl is going to sue you if you break up with her, especially if you leave her for another. They go to the police, to the court or I don't know where and file a case. I heard that two or three guys, that are currently here on the camp, paid a few thousand euros each for their break-ups. All these things are happening to guys that tell girls crazy fairytales, lie them and treat them like crap. You can have more or less "normal" relationship if you behave normally

One other thing that was very strange to me is that on the pay-day you can see girls with their notebooks going around, looking for their "customers" to collect the money for their "services".

All of these things do not apply for all the girls here, naturally. A friend told me that in the city you have girls that don't wanna be with the Europeans and that's normal for me. 

I don't know how to sum-up this story... let everyone do what ever they think is the best for them...            

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