уторак, 6. децембар 2011.

The routine has begun

I've finally moved into my house. Keeping in mind that it's only a container, it's pretty nice. There's one big L-shaped living room, a bedroom and a bathroom. I live alone. I could share a house with one guy, but didn't want as I wanted my peace after work.

First few weeks of work were getting to know my duties and responsibilities, there are many of them but still you have some time during work to surf the net :). Nothing here is so urgent and you can't make any huge error if you work in this position. Mainly, I'm collecting documents for renewal, handling housing arrangements, holidays, giving pills for flue and headache, doing quick test for malaria, keeping an eye that the locals do not steal too much food from the kitchen and that the laundry staff are doing their job. Last two are the hardest and demand the biggest effort. Especially if you've learn to use common sense, always try to explain things in calm tone and are not typical "balkan" boss who shout, yell and intimidate his/hers employee. My co-worker told me several times: "You're too nice for this job". I took it as a compliment. He meant to say that here you need to shout and yell so workers are afraid of you and that's how you earn their respect. I chose not to be like that, as it's against my beliefs, even if it means it's going to harder for me and it's gonna take a time for them to start respecting me. I hope they will eventually do that and realize it's easier for all of us doing business in that way. We'll see...

My day looks like this:
6:20 alarm yells
6:35 breakfast
6:50-12 work
12-12:45 lunch and some reading (if I have time)
12:45-17 work
17-18 lower-back work out
18-18:20 dinner
18:20-19 learning spanish
19  football (or if there is not enough of us, jogging or taichi @ 20)
20:15 watching Los Serranos, some football on TV or chating
22:15 bedtime 

And it's almost the same every day except Sunday, when there is no work so I sleep till 8 and hang out the whole day. When I'm in the mood, I go around camp and see if anyone is outside and hang out with them for a while. Actually, there's quite a few people I can speak easily and on the same level (I sound like a freaking snob). I also don't like to impose myself, but when someone invite me to his house, for a game of cards for example, I go. 

I decided I'm gonna do a lot of sport here. As my work is mainly connected with the chair, I don't move a lot. In addition, the food is strong, greasy, typical serbian cousin (sve sa zapržkom) and I was warned that I might gain a lot of weight, and most people do that. I don't want that happening to me for two obvious reasons: the first one is the health (blood pressure and cholesterol) and the second is my figure, the way I look (I don't like when I gain weight). That's why I wanna work out as often as I can (it's not like I don't have time for that or have something better to do in the jungle). I also wanted to eat as healthier as I can, a lot of vegetables and fruits and avoid deep fried food. The best thing about food here is that there is a lot of fruits: bananas, pineapples, mangoes, watermelons, sometimes even avocados. I love eating pineapples the most.

Now I realized that I'm not in the mood for writing today, so will continue some other time with something more interesting (just remembered few good stories, but am too bored to write them down). Till the next time...

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